
The X Brace, arch support for barefoot athletes, was created by Dr. Joshua Eldridge to simulate taping of the arches to relieve Sever’s Disease.  But The X Brace has become so much more than just the one intervention.  The X Brace is used for all of the following applications:

  • Basketball
  • Soccer
  • Support for women wearing high heels
  • Support for anyone wearing flip flops
  • Football
  • Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines
  • Office Workers
  • Excessive standing while working

Dr. Eldridge was diligently studying the effects of Sever’s one day when he came across this article: Arch taping as a symptomatic treatment in patients with Sever’s disease: A multiple case series in The Foot Journal.  This is the conclusion from this scientific journal:

The clinical outcomes in this multiple case series suggest
that the referenced arch taping technique can be immediately
effective in minimizing posterior heel pain during ambulation
in patients with Sever’s disease and may allow an
early return to sports activities. Arch taping is cost effective
since patients and parents can be instructed on the
proper technique and can apply it themselves. This treatment
option should be considered in similar cases of patients who
present with Sever’s disease. Future randomized clinical trials
with larger numbers will help determine how well one can
generalize the effectiveness of this treatment option for posterior
heel pain associated with Sever’s disease. Additional
research designed to objectively measure forces exerted on
the calcaneus during gait in adolescent subjects might also
contribute to a better understanding of how arch taping
can be effective in the symptomatic treatment of Sever’s

And this created a eureka moment for Dr. Eldridge.  Dr. Eldridge always had used Elastikon by Johnson and Johnson to tape arches, and knew the elastic principals in this tape helped to increase comfort in the athletes he taped.  Dr. Eldridge’s wife Sara had some sewing skills and he asked her to sew this simple design with an X pattern to increase support of the arches.  It took her 3 hours to sew 1 brace and Dr. Eldridge took the brace to the gym that evening and used it instead of taping an arch.  The athlete loved it!

Taping the arches is fairly simple for an adult, but 9-12 year-olds are not the best tapers!  And for a young athlete, they can be in the gym up to six days a week.  This is a ton of tape they have to utilize.  The X Brace gives the ability to use arch support when needed, take off the support when not needed, and have a completely convenient solution.

Since the initial invention, we’ve tested and improved The X Brace to make it optimal for use in young athletes and adults alike.

We know you’ll be satisfied with The X Brace because we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee!  If this size isn’t perfect or you’re not seeing results, we’ll work with you until you’re satisfied!

Let us know what you think of your X Brace by Contacting Us by clicking here.

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